In 6th Aug 2011, London has mass rioting. The reason was a man was killed by the police in his riding taxi. Therefor, the demonstrators threw petrol bombs at the local police. Is said to be in the evening, more than 300 people gathered at the police station in front of the protest. The situation was very chaotic.
From video, I saw that some demonstrators attack local police man and patrol wagon. I could easily saw that people are very angry. Some experts believed that becouse UK the employment rate increases, lead to higher crime rates. So, when some people met this that situation, they has been the last straw. Paul Lewis (2011) said "This riots has produced a chain reacion. Hundreds of interviews with people who took part in the disturbances which spread across England in August revealed deep-seated and sometimes visceral antipathy towards police."
Of course, The spread of unrest also have problems with the police, but not enough to prove that London and British police security ability is insufficient. After this riots, the UK government have already reshape the police prestige and restore public support. The maily solution was unemployment problem. Many of people enjoy the citizen's welfare. The most of people not worry about food and clothing problem.
I think that if the local government have many welfares, the local government is safety in the future.

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