Acutally this question is very difficulty for most people but I think the death penalty should exist in every country. Death penalty is just a meas for criminal. If it exist, this is a good caution for every people. So it can decrease criminal rate. Sometimes, some people don't like this meas, such as American. I know that there are no this law for every American because they have high value for their live. So this punishment is not exite in each country.

2. Should the main purpose of prison be punishment or rehabilitation?
The punishment and rehabilitation are coexisting. Many criminal must not only severely punished but also the government have responsibility to educate them. I believe the rehabilitation is importmant than punishment because it teach all criminal what is right, what is wrong.
3.What is the best way to deal with juvenile crime such as
- joy-riding?
- vandalism?
- graffiti?
4.Is it ever right for political activists to break the law?
I suppose that it haven't some political activists because it just a warning for every people. If the government have this right, it just prove the criminal rate is deacrease.
5.How strict should th law be with people who drink and drive?
I think that it requires very strict measures. Revocation of a driver's license is a very strict punishment. In fact I'm very hate the people who drink and drive. In my country, there are a lot of people die in drink or drive cars. It is so terror for me. I believe many people are very scare this situation.
6.Which is the more serious problem in your country- tax evasion or social security fraud?
Exactly. It prefer to some accept problems. If people violate the law, they mast to go jail for many of times. Now, for my country, the tax is mainly income. It is a serious problem to every country I believe.

7.Should the police have the right to stop and search you in the street without a warrant?
Yes, I agree. the police is crucial for social stability. Especially in holiday, I usually see many police men walk on the street, and check some people identify. Some police men will carry gun, and in order to use when necessary.
8.Should the law respect the rights of homeless people to squat in unoccupied property or shop doorways?
Yes. Every law have right to adopt homeless people. The best way is that the government need set a rescue station, and these homeless people have their stable. For me, I want to join some pubilc benefit activities because I can help some homeless people.
9.Should smoking cannabis be a criminal offence?
Yes, it should be. Because it is bad for person's health. It spread very quickly and wide. It break many family, and makes some people enter to prison. If addicted, it will cost a lot of money. So it is a criminal offence in my opoinion.

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