On 6th May, Britain has a new goverment. The position has been replaced by the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats.
The conservatives have tended to free market, privatization and low taxation. In generall, it have a large role for goverment and public spending. And in the 1980s and 90s, it have four continuous power (1979-1997) performance, but the conservative was lose to the leadership of the Labour party in 1997, the leader is Tony Blair. After that, te Liberal Democratic forms a coalition government.
In the general election the conservatives won 36% votes, the labour is 29%, and the Lib Dems is 23%. So, there are no party had a majority to hold UK goverment. But whatever, the conservatives knew they would almost certainly need to support to set up form for the goverment.
So in the British system the country is divided into 650 districts, it same as the 650 separate local elections. In many of constituencies the Lib Dems come second, however the counts for nothing. It is only the party in the parliment.

A good summary. Remember to say which text you read in your bibliography.